Email sure ain't dead, so why don't you get to know it?
Despite what you might have heard or read, email is alive and kicking, at least for marketers. And that holds doubly true for nonprofit fundraisers. Way back in 2009, the Wall Street Journal unofficially dethroned email as the king of communication. (Though for today’s fundraisers, that creaky old stand-by – direct mail – still arguably wears the crown. Like Queen Victoria during the Boer War – 43 years into her reign and no longer a coquettish ingénue, but a major force to be reckoned with. But I digress…)
Even so, email has been used as a marketing and fundraising tool by a myriad of organizations for over ten years. Yet many fundraisers and nonprofit staffers remain unfamiliar with the anatomy of and best practices for good fundraising emails.
So without further ado, we debut a new white paper:
The Basics of Marketing & Fundraising Email
Queen V. is reading our white paper, shouldn’t you? Read it here.