Help Sustain Africa and its wildlife
A mother elephant will stop at nothing to make sure her calf survives – and so will we. But, each day 100 elephants are needlessly slaughtered. Be among the first 100 supporters to make a monthly pledge in their honor today.
Why do we need your support 12 times a year?

Because every month…
Mountain gorillas are threatened by deforestation and human conflict.
Almost 60 rhinos are killed for their horns (that’s 2 senseless deaths per day).
Lions are massacred, only to become hunting trophies.
Right now, humans are the biggest danger to Africa’s wildlife. We need to be the solution, or it will be too late.
[Name], help us turn the dial by 1​0​/​1​.

Every day, poachers kill 100 more elephants. We need you to join our team of 100 new monthly activists to help us bring that number to 0 – for all of Africa’s wildlife. Donate monthly to AWF now.
Their future is on the line.
Donate With Confidence
African Wildlife Foundation

1​40​0 Six​tee​nth St​re​et, N​W  |  Sui​te 1​20
 Wa​shin​gton, D​C 20​036
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Photos courtesy of Billy Dodson, Craig R. Sholley, Jose Henriques, AWF, Max Chiswick