
Friday fundraising round-up: EOY survival edition

October has hit, and that means one thing for fundraisers… the clock is ticking to end of year fundraising. But don’t panic! Sanky is here to help. Our team has selected a round-up of the latest fundraising news and advice from around the web—specially crafted for your EOY survival.

From around the web:
Tips on everything from Giving Tuesday to December 31st.

End-of-year planning: 7 things to get done this October from BlackBaud’s npENGAGE

Giving Tuesday and year-end fundraising: how to do both from Network for Good

5 tips for finding a story for your year-end appeal from The Storytelling Nonprofit

6 simple ways to make your donation page more appealing from Salsa Labs Blog

From Sanky:
A few tricks of the trade from Sanky before the bustle begins.

How classic photojournalism can inform your visual storytelling by Amy Mills

Segmenting your list: an introduction by Megan McDonell

Your most common email problems solved by Minyong Cho

Enhancing UX with CSS Animations by Clay Baucom

Just for fun:
You’re going to need a little fun as the season ramps up.

The better way to take a break from Fast Company

6 songs to motivate you to work harder today from Inc.

9 items you should always have at your desk from Business Insider

7 books that’ll retrain your brain and push you toward success from The Daily Muse

Be sure to join Sanky on Facebook, Twitter, and our blog to stay up to date on the best year-end fundraising tips, news, and more!




Like what you read? Check out this related post:

Truth or Consequences: Online Fundraising

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