Fundraising Day in New York
A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of attending – and participating in – the Association for Fundraising Professionals (AFC) New York City Chapter’s Fundraising Day. It was a fantastic event – we had educational discussions with our colleagues, saw client faces we know and love and met lots of new people in the industry. Our Executive Vice President, Paul Habig, served as a moderator for Rapid Fire: Tips and Trends on Web, Tech and Social Media, a session featuring fundraisers from well-known nonprofits about harnessing the latest social media tools and techniques. The panel included Carla Perlowin Chadwick from Covenant House, Dave Onate from African Wildlife Foundation and Tricia Reyes from Consumer Reports. Another highlight was blogger and author Beth Kanter, who we’d hosted at Sanky the evening before. Her discussion, Measuring the Networked Nonprofit, addressed the growing role of relationship building and open dialogue in driving change for nonprofits.
Overall, the day was filled with dynamic speakers sharing unique perspectives and first-hand wisdom on the ever-changing fundraising industry.
Account Managers Laura Cole and Tammy Ho graciously manned our booth (and donned orange pants for the occasion) while other Sanky team members, including Harry Lynch, Julie Ziff-Sint and Chelsea Whitaker took advantage of the many sessions and discussions.