
Nonprofits just wanna have fu-un

Today is April Fools' Day, and while we would have loved to trick you into believing that we’ve permanently changed our name to “Swanky, Inc.,” we thought it would be nicer to share some laugh-out-loud-funny nonprofit videos with you.

At Sanky, we love helping nonprofits improve the world and we know that their missions are serious. That is why it is so delightful when organizations like Rainforest Alliance or Amnesty International are able to use humor to convey their messages. We get a good laugh while still grasping the gravity of the issue.

Humor can often be the hook that leads to awareness. In fact, according to a 2013 global survey, 43% of respondents shared social media content because it made them laugh. We see this in the many videos or “memes” that we share daily with our friends and family online. Or even through the major fandom of Jon Stewart, who used his Comedy Central show to break down difficult issues and make them relatable. (Fun Fact: a 2014 poll showed that more Americans trusted Jon Stewart over serious news sources at the time!)

And while humor may not work for all missions, here are some great nonprofits that went for the laugh and did it well. We hope you’ll be inspired to get creative too:

Rainforest Alliance - Follow the Frog

In this hilarious and elaborate video, Rainforest Alliance shows how you can be a good steward to the earth without straying too far from home.

American Heart Association - Sneaky Salt!

Salt is personified as a man in a full body spandex suit in this American Heart Association video.

Mama Hope - African Men. Hollywood Stereotypes.

Mama Hope calls out unfair stereotypes in the most heart-warming way possible in this video featuring four gentlemen making fun of Hollywood.

Amnesty International - We Can Change What They Do

Human rights abuses are no laughing matter, but turns out poking fun of the leaders who commit them can be pretty funny. (Note: the leaders featured in the video are a little outdated, but you’ll get the point!)

Movember Foundation - Mo Bros

The Movember Foundation lives and breathes humor for men’s health. Their annual “Moustaches in Movember” encourages both men and women to grow their moustache for 30 days to shine a light on men’s health. This is their short and quirky ad.

Kars4Kids - BeepOff

Last year, Kars4Kids created a fake app called “Beep Off” for April Fools' Day, and it made us wish we could download it in the app store for real.

Did you enjoy this list? Share your favorite funny nonprofit video with us on our Twitter or Facebook!

Vivian Shibata


Vivian Shibata

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