
Will you be at Fundraising Day in New York 2017?

Fundraising Day New York 2017

Let me just start with this — the Fundraising Day in New York lineup this year is incredible. Even as I am writing this list, I am so torn over which sessions I’d like to attend. I wish this conference lasted all week instead of just one day. (Yes, ONE DAY!)

Are you an FRDNY attendee going through this same internal struggle? Take a look at some of the sessions I’ve got my eye on for the day’s itinerary so far — hopefully it helps inspire your own!

8:45AM – 10:00AM: Think You Are NOT in a Crisis – Think Again

All organizations face challenges, many of which can escalate fast. And given the current political climate, nonprofits have to be prepared for anything at a moment’s notice these days. (No sweat, right guys?) In this session Dan Hill, CEO of Hill Impact, will speak on how to respond correctly to a crisis. I’m looking forward to learning how to implement this in my own job and for steering my clients appropriately, too.

10:45AM – 12:00PM: “Women: Philanthrophy’s New Power Players”

As a woman in this industry, I feel it’s extremely important to educate myself on the differences between men and women in charitable giving. I’m also eager to learn about how nonprofit organizations are seeking more women to serve as trustees.

Lunch: Keynote Speaker, David Miliband, President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee

I’m particularly excited about this year’s keynote because of IRC’s incredible advocacy work, especially in light of rather tumultuous current events.

2:00PM – 3:15PM: “Multichannel Madness!”

In this session, speakers from the Smithsonian and American Jewish World Service will discuss their success with seamless, effective multichannel integration. In my nonprofit career, I’ve mastered multichannel messaging within digital platforms, but I’m eager to learn more about how this can be connected to direct mail efforts.

3:45PM – 5:00PM: “Truth or Consequences in Online Fundraising”

I wouldn’t miss this session! Sanky’s very own Harry Lynch, CEO, Paul Habig, President, and our dear friend Carla Perlowin Chadwick, Vice President of Digital Fundraising at Covenant House. This session follows a game show format and the hosts will provide ten proposed online fundraising ideas and ask the audience to vote for which are worth testing.

Trust me, you’re going to want to attend this one — catch it on the Online Fundraising Track! (This is a joint session with the Web, Tech, and Social Media track).

Whew! And there you have it: my day (so far). As you can tell, I’m really looking forward to spending the day meeting colleagues in the nonprofit industry and learning more about how we at Sanky can advise our clients to reach even higher towards their vision. My fellow Sanky teammates and I will also be out and about at the SolutionsCenter — be sure to come find us at Booth 204!

Want to see all the sessions available to you at FRDNY? Explore the full program here.

Moriah Shtull


Moriah Shtull

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