
Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey

Every time there is a natural disaster, Sanky's team stands ready to act. Last week, we had our eye on the news and we were in constant communication with clients who we expected would be on the ground to help with Hurricane Harvey. We have been moving rapidly for our clients whose work is most impacted, and our strategists met yesterday to discuss not only those clients, but how messaging and schedules would need to shift for all of our clients as the country's eyes are following huge and wide-reaching news stories regarding the events of Charlottesville and the impact of Hurricane Harvey.

We are working hard to help get fundraising messaging out for our friends at Habitat for Horses, where pastures are literally under water as we type this. We are moving quickly with our partner Episcopal Relief & Development, which is on the ground helping victims of Hurricane Harvey as they do for so many other natural disasters around the world.

The storm surges from Hurricane Sandy are etched clearly in our minds, and we cannot fathom the devastation that will be felt in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. From our office here in New York and our staff around the country, we will continue to do what we can to help.

Harry Lynch


Harry Lynch

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