
Almost time for NTC!

Almost time for NTC

The annual Non Profit Technology Conference (NTC) is coming up in just a few weeks and those of us from Sanky who will be attending could not be more excited! This is one of our favorite conferences of the year –– we get to indulge in our nerdiness and love for non-profit technology in the company of thousands of others with the same passions. Past conference sessions have been thought-provoking and topical, and the personal and professional connections made have been profound and lasting.

For those of you who may be attending for the first time, we look forward to seeing you at the conference. For those of you who are returning, we look forward to geeking out with you again –– if you see “Sanky” on a lanyard, please stop us and say “hi” (and why not use the opportunity to snag some free fundraising advice?!).

If we miss you in passing, please check out one of our sessions or activities below:

We also recommend downloading the NTC18 app where you can connect with us directly, view the agenda, and chat with other conference attendees. One final suggestion: check out the many social offerings at NTC like Dine Around (it is New Orleans, after all!), Birds of a Feather and the Buddy Program.

We’re excited to “laissez les bons temps rouler” with you in a few weeks! Stay tuned for our live coverage of NTC in April. In the meantime, please let us know if you would like to connect at NTC or have any questions about the conference.

Colleen Hodgetts
Adrian Frandle


Colleen Hodgetts
Adrian Frandle

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