
Sanky Takes Home Three IAC Awards!

Case Study: African Wildlife Foundation and Successful International Fan Building

We’re honored to announce that Sanky Communications recently won three awards in this year’s Internet Advertising Competition. The IAC Awards are given annually to the best online advertising across 96 countries, judged in nine online formats. Take a look at the winning entries our team produced for our outstanding clients!

  1. Vera Institute of Justice, Fall/Welcome Series
    Best Non-profit Email Message Campaign, Best Of Show Email Message Campaign

    We created an email series for Vera to educate the public on the complex issue of criminal justice reform and inspire them to give in support of Vera’s mission. Each email dives further into major aspects of Vera’s work in ending mass incarceration. This versatile campaign was successfully employed as both an email Welcome Series for new subscribers and prospects, and a Fall Campaign for current supporters. We also created social media posts that shared content with the emails in order to integrate this campaign across fundraising channels.

  2. African Wildlife Foundation, Fall Campaign
    Best Non-profit Online Campaign

    Many of Africa’s most iconic species are being driven toward extinction. African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), the continent’s oldest and most trusted conservation organization needed to meet its expansion goals in time to protect these species.

    To engage AWF’s donors and motivate giving, we created a campaign called, “Where is Africa’s Wildlife Headed?” The campaign used social media, social ads, and a series of emails to drive donors to a responsive landing page. Once there, donors explored the microsite which featured bold and arresting animations along with clever wordplay. Shocking facts about the conservation status of each species created a sense of urgency and opportunities to give appeared throughout –– and in turn, raised more than $40K.

  3. Covenant House, Website
    Outstanding Website

    Set with the task to redesign Covenant House’s website, we knew our audience was three-fold. First, the site needed to talk to those who support Covenant House’s powerful mission through action, such as volunteering; second, those who lend support through donations; and third, the young people in need who look to Covenant House for support.

    Keeping these three crucial groups in mind, we developed a streamlined user experience. Clean design and copy strategically work together to speak to these audiences, with unique technological features to enhance each visitor’s journey through the site.

    An interactive quiz educates the user on various charitable giving plans. A special maps element zooms in on locations to help individuals locate their nearest shelter and also provides other resources for religious and governmental assistance if no shelters exist nearby. Website visitors can even virtually meet some kids at Covenant House and read their stories –– all coming together to revitalize the organization’s online presence.

Again, we’re honored to have won these awards –– and humbled by the opportunity to work on these inspiring campaigns that help our clients make the world a better place.

If you want to know more about our work, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!




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