
5 insights from our #NYNP2015 session

The Direct Marketing Association Nonprofit Federation recently held their Multitrack Fundraising 2015 New York Nonprofit Conference. Sanky’s Paul Habig joined with African Wildlife Foundation’s Dave Onate, and Care2’s Tim Robinson to share our strategic use of digital channels in AWF’s work. While the talk centered around saving Africa’s wildlife, their tips resonate with all good causes – including yours!

Susan Taplinger’s most recent article on DMA’s website breaks down this discussion. Here are 5 big takeaways your nonprofit should remember:

1. Mobile (Really) Matters
“The long and short of it is that prospective constituents and donors should have a consistent experience across devices,” said Dave Onate, on the importance of mobile optimization.

2. Email Is Essential
“This (channel) is where we were able to have a predictable conversion that would let us reinvest money year after year,” said Paul Habig, discussing email’s role in AWF’s growth plan.

3. Strength in Community
Tim Robinson explained during the session how AWF leveraged Care2, an online community whose members care about causes. With 30 million highly engaged members – people who want to effect change by signing petitions – this partnership was a natural fit.

4. Spending Clicks Wisely
Search engine marketing (SEM) also played a big role. In our SEM efforts, AWF and Sanky tried to find mission-specific ads that are direct and appeal to people who are interested in African wildlife.

5. Timing Counts
The session cited the benefits of having a long view acquisition strategy like AWF. “As we move into fall we move into a bulked up cultivation campaign to further educate people on the continent … and to develop an emotional connection to the issues,” commented Onate.

There’s more! Read the full article, “Digital Steps Help Save African Wildlife,” at




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