
Our NTC Takeaways + New Penguin Friend

Our NTC Takeaways + New Penguin Friend

Some of the Sanky staff went to the 2017 Nonprofit Technology Conference in Washington, D.C., recently and came back overflowing with enthusiasm, excitement and ideas. Here’s a quick wrap-up of our key takeaways:

Adrian Frandle, Account Executive

  • It's (still) all about the donor relationship! Even with the myriad tools and new technologies out there that give us fresh insights into data, that data is all still generated and interpreted by humans, who must be treated with dignity and respect (which will lead to better business practices and, ultimately, higher returns). 

  • Technology is moving at a much faster pace than anyone can compete with. Before immediately jumping behind that new platform or tool, spend some time to assess the problem and look at the process, then find the tool that fits best to fix your problem. Technology is a tortoise and hare race: starting slow and steady will definitely win the race down the line. 

  • Finally, our current political, economic and environmental situation might seem dire and dreary — however, there are THOUSANDS (if not millions) of techies, nerds, nonprofit junkies and their ilk who are pushing back to make our world better. NTC helped me focus on the momentum we have as a sector and not the setbacks.

Megan McDonell, Copywriter

  • Images/graphics are more important than ever. Consider this: the brain processes images 60K faster than words –– and has no language barriers. You can tell someone's story in seconds. 

  • Podcasts are occupying a growing space for nonprofits, and they can be especially useful when interviewing people who want to remain anonymous. Consider embedding bite-sized sound clips in email or landing pages.

  • Slack can be used to keep tabs on our organizations –– the channel will send updates on each client's work!

Did you attend the session on Giving Days presented by Sanky’s own Julie Ziff Sint and Paul Habig, and African Wildlife Foundation’s David Onate? We’d love to hear your thoughts on the session –– and other takeaways from the conference!

NTC is an important staple for the nonprofit tech community and we had a great time at #17NTC!

Adrian Frandle
Megan McDonell


Adrian Frandle
Megan McDonell

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