
Thread Lightly: Assessing Meta’s New Platform 'Threads' and Its Significance for Nonprofits

Threads on mobile device

Meta has rolled out their Twitter competitor on Instagram: Threads. With Threads already hitting 100 million users and counting, it’s clear that many have been waiting for an alternative to Twitter. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Threads is a free to download, mobile only, social platform that users can sign up for using their existing Instagram credentials.
  • With Meta’s auto-linking feature, your Instagram account can auto import your Instagram followed accounts and immediately follow them in Threads.
  • Viewers of your Instagram account can see your Threads account by tapping a badge in your profile bio. Meta says this badge is temporary, and you can permanently hide it if necessary.
  • With Threads, you can "follow and connect directly with your favorite creators and others who love the same things."
  • The app is intuitive and very similar to Twitter.
  • You can post text-based updates up to 500 characters in length, share photos, and post videos up to 5 minutes long.
  • Users can manage who can mention and reply to them, filter out specific word replies, unfollow, block, restrict, and report other users.
  • Organizations are joining Threads quickly. UNICEF already has 550k followers!
  • Due to the platform being in its initial launch phase:
    • There is currently no feature that allows you to search for content or hashtags.
    • It is not possible to advertise on Threads, but Meta plans on adding branded content tools in the future.
    • It is also not possible to switch between multiple Thread accounts, which is a feature to take into consideration for 3rd party and agency management.
    • Content is not shown in chronological order, another feature Meta is planning to roll out in the near future.
    • Threads is currently unavailable in the European Union due to regulatory concerns surrounding the Digital Markets Act.


  • Monitor the platform. This is a new app and there will undoubtedly be many changes to its functionality in the coming months.
  • Don't just jump on board. Take time to develop a strategy rooted in your overall social media strategy, taking into account your target audience’s wants and needs – and ultimately how it relates to your organization’s overarching goals.
  • Public conversation is the focus. “It’s less about text versus photos and videos and more about what public conversations you want to have.” - Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram
  • Limited reach for brands/organizations at this time. The emphasis on sharing content with close friends may limit the reach and visibility of brands/organizations. Right now, content remains very lighthearted and informal but has the potential to be a strong community builder for organizations.
  • Potential for advertisers. With Meta being the parent company, advertising opportunities using advanced targeting criteria is a given as more features are added, so consider building up your following during this early adoption phase.
  • What if I don’t like Threads? While this platform is in its initial launch phase, you cannot currently delete your Threads account without deleting your Instagram account.

Lian Petrie
Megan Ziemann
Maya Parr


Lian Petrie
Megan Ziemann
Maya Parr

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