
A new website for Citymeals

We are so proud of the website we launched for Citymeals on Wheels this fall. It looks GREAT (if we do say so ourselves)! And now that it’s been up and running for a bit, I just wanted to quickly share a few of my favorite features on this fabulous site.

But first, everyone loves a good before and after shot.


Sanky Citymeals on Wheels Website Before Redesign


Sanky Citymeals on Wheels Website Before Redesign


This website is custom-designed AND custom-built by our in-house graphic designers and technical developers. (We have an awesome team, right??)

Here are a few of my favorite features:

Sitewide blocks

See those fancy-looking color blocks of content? We in the biz call those sitewide blocks. You can easily place them on multiple pages throughout the site to provide content and highlight key information. We employ these in several ways:

  • Help users locate a meal center
  • Provide quick access to monthly giving to increase Month of Sundays participation
  • Allow users to subscribe for email updates
  • Promote events
  • Highlight sponsors, volunteers, and meal recipients
  • Provide fast facts and statistics on meal deliveries and recipients
  • And more!

Monthly Giving Ask Strings

How many times have you wished that the ask strings on your donation forms could change if a user selected your monthly giving option? All the time. Well, not to brag, but we did it! When setting up donation forms in the content management system, Citymeals’ staff can select whether they want specific ask amounts to show up for one-time gifts, monthly gifts, or both. As far as we’re concerned, this is a game-changer in online fundraising. By making the ask strings smaller for monthly gifts, organizations have the potential to generate more revenue and cultivate longer relationships with donors. Check out their donation form.


One of the main drivers to redesign their site came from the increased need for flexibility with events. Citymeals has events throughout the year that help raise money and awareness for their mission. The main landing page has a special section for Featured Events, and if you scroll down further, there are entry points to their larger-scale events, such as Chefs’ Tribute, Power Lunch for Women, and Sunday Supper at Daniel, as well as ongoing events for Team Citymeals and Dineout. Each page has a mini landing page to provide information year-round and then links to a fully customizable event form.

Meal Recipient Stories

My Savta (Hebrew for grandma) and I are extremely close, so it’s a given that one of my favorite parts of this website is the Meal Recipient Stories. Every year Citymeals delivers more than 2 million meals to over 18,000 homebound elderly throughout the five boroughs of New York. In this part of the website, we highlight specific individuals who benefit from Citymeals. It is truly amazing to read about these women and men living in NYC for years and years—hearing about their pasts and how Citymeals helps them live. Grab the Kleenex, and be sure to watch that video. They are ADORABLE and I love every single one of them.

Before signing off, I just want to give a quick shout-out to everyone at Sanky who helped bring this project to life: Regina, Karl, Luis, Shefali, Laura H., Keith, Julie, Paul, Piotr, Clay, Peter—and of course, to the folks at Citymeals.

Tell us what you think of this new site!

Moriah Shtull


Moriah Shtull

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