
We're 2x runners-up at the DMFAs!

DMFA Awards 2023

We love doing good and we love when our fundraising peers recognize the work we’re doing! Two of our campaigns were just honored at the DMFA Awards. We were runner up in the Direct Mail Mid-Level category for our work on Planned Parenthood of Greater New York’s Annual Fall Mid-Level Appeal and runner up in the Multichannel category for our work on Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Rapid Response.

The prestigious DMFA Awards gives the fundraising community the opportunity to showcase their very best direct mail, multi-channel, and digital fundraising efforts. Winners in each of these categories are voted on by their peers, which makes it extra special to be honored.

Here’s a look into the Sanky campaigns that were recognized this year!

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York’s Annual Fall Mid-Level Appeal

DMFA Awards 2023

PPGNY’s annual brochure campaign, sent to mid-level and major donors, consisted of a highly visual three-panel brochure. The content focused around abortion rights and PPGNY’s expansion of services to clients who need them, even if they come from outside the Greater NY area. The package highlighted the role the organization plays in providing reproductive and sexual health care in the wake of expanding abortion restrictions across the country. With a purposeful tone, the copy reassured donors that PPGNY and its essential services aren’t going anywhere.

Launched six months after the Supreme Court decision to repeal Roe vs. Wade, it was essential that the brochure reflect the tone of PPGNY’s work post-Dobbs. We used bright photos, colors, and personal stories — including quotes from patients and providers — to focus on who PPGNY is serving, where they’re coming from, and how PPGNY is a leader and welcoming source for abortion care.

Barbara Eckstadt, VP of Direct Marketing Strategy
Ted Marrinan, Account Executive
Tess Miller, Direct Mail Services Coordinator
Katie Patierno, Direct Mail Services Manager
Finn Piper, Designer
Claire Thomas, Senior Copywriter
Regina Ryan, Creative Director

Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Rapid Response

DMFA Awards 2023

This rapid response campaign consisted of two emails, a modal, an SEM sitelink, and social posts. The first email, which featured a compelling — and gut-wrenching — image of a little boy with a stuffed bunny, asked for urgent donations and outlined the work Episcopal Relief & Development’s partners are doing, telling donors exactly where their money would go. Campaign donors received a thank-you email with updates on the work that had already been done and the work left to do. Non-donors received the same updates but were also asked to donate.

In addition to the online efforts, donors who received Episcopal Relief & Development’s Seek & Serve newsletter in the mail also got a handwritten note asking them to pray for those affected by the war and donate if they were able.

We centered the campaign around the damage the war caused to people. The picture of the little boy holding a stuffed bunny reminded donors who their donations were for. For many Ukrainians, protecting their children’s lives meant leaving the homes they knew, leaving their husbands and brothers and fathers behind to fight, and hoping to find a new life in a country that, while safer, isn’t home.

This campaign was extraordinarily effective at raising funds to help those affected by the war.

Katherine Baldwin, Account Project Manager
Amanda Chase, Direct Mail Services Coordinator
Kate Greenhouse, Copywriter
Kiesha Jenkins, Associate Account Executive
Ted Marrinan, Associate Account Executive
Katie Patierno, Direct Mail Services Manager
Finn Piper, Designer
Anna Umansky, Senior Integrated Account Executive

Congratulations to our Sanky teams and to our fellow DMFA winners and honorees!

Ellie Boroughs


Ellie Boroughs

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